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Nandrolone decanoate is a steroid used for the parental purpose. It helps to increase the red blood cells and stimulates blood in the body. 100 mg dosage of nandrolone produces the result in 3 – 6 days. It is directly injected to the body. It is used for the treatment of anemia, aids, osteoporosis. A dosage of nandrolone decanoate of 25 to 50 mg once every 6 to 12 weeks (working out to an average exposure of about 2 to 8 mg per week) by intramuscular injection is considered to be appropriate for general androgen replacement therapy in women. • nandrolone-decanoate doses: – 100mg per week will be enough to promote joint relief and comfort. – 200mg per week will be the minimum dosing for performance based effects, i. – 400mg per week will be the maximum dose most will ever need for performance. Decaduro by crazybulk is a legal substitute for the steroid deca durabolin (nandrolone decanoate). Deca promotes an anabolic state by enhancing nitrogen balance, protein synthesis and oxygenation of your muscle tissue. It is ideal for promoting workout recovery and promotes joint health. Buy sp nandrolone online: nandrolone decanoate – 10 ml vial (200 mg/ml). Top quality anabolic steroid – sp nandrolone. Order legit sp laboratories injectable anabolic steroids online. Legal nandrolone decanoate for sale. The first dose of nandrolone was 200 mg, and the second dose was 400 mg. The dose was 600 mg for weeks 3–12. This dose was based on discussions with a number of body builders and our goal to study a relatively “high end” dose (but not maximum) commonly used for large anabolic effects and expected to be well tolerated in 60- to 70-kg men. In bodybuilding circles, nandrolone decanoate injections use fall ranges between 200 mg to 600 mg weekly. Use with caution: high levels or frequency of nandrolone decanoate dosage can contribute to not only short term, but serious and long-term side effects and potential organ damage. Not only this, nandrolone decanoate significantly stimulates the immune system and doesn’t result in high levels of bad cholesterol or a bad lipid profile. Deca durabolin is ideally used by male power lifters and athletes in doses of 2mg per pound of body weight or 250–500mg per week. Deca-durabolin is one compound that works great with as little as 1cc/week (200mg) and for therapeutic purposes even 0. 5cc/week (100mg) does the trick. Deca can be ran a long time at a mild or lower dosage, and this makes it very suitable for users who are on testosterone/hormone replacement therapy. Nandrolone decanoate – pivotal labs 1 vial x 10ml, 250 mg/ml history : most commonly known as “deca” for short, this long-acting version of nandrolone was first sold as a prescription pharmaceutical by organon in 1962 and like the other prescription steroids of the day, its diversion to the bb’ing subculture was swift. Nandrolone decanoate 100 is considered effective and safe for an average healthy person, but in in the case of a significant and prolonged excess of drug dosage, side effects may appear. A typical bodybuilder cycle of nandrolone decanoate lasts between 3 and 6 weeks with a 2 week off cycle. Be warned, you should never exceed 600mg of this steroid in one week, more than this can cause adverse health effects that can put you at serious risk for large scale health issues or even death
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