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Alternative asset: an alternative asset is any non-traditional asset with potential economic value that would not be found in a standard investment portfolio. Some alternative dispute resolution methods are binding, meaning that the parties cannot ignore the ruling based on whether or not they agree with decision. Other adr methods are non-binding, meaning the ruling can be ignored. Some types of alternative dispute resolution are case evaluation, collaborative law, divorce coaching, and private judging. The alternative investment fund managers directive applies to alternative investment funds (aifs) that are managed or marketed in the european union. So what is an aif? the aifmd definition. The definition set out in the directive is as follows (in article 4(1)(a):. Any legal research that is pertinent to the case to draft contract clauses as deemed necessary by the alternative dispute resolution. The appropriate handling of documents in accordance to settlement agreements. Law dictionary – alternative legal definition an exclusive or peculiar privilege. The special power, privilege, immunity, or advantage vested in an official person, either generally, or in respect to the things of his office, or in an official body, as a court or legislature. See attorney general v. Alternative pleading law and legal definition alternative pleading generally refers to the legal practice of putting forth alternative theories of liability in a dispute. Such theories are inconsistent and contradictory and the party presenting them may rely on each one separately as a basis for recovery. There is no one accepted definition of adr. To some, particularly in the us, the term includes all dispute resolution methods other than court proceedings (and therefore includes arbitration). The thing that makes an alsp alternative is that it is not, and does not pretend to be, a law firm. Instead, it is a legal services business that can provide one or more services that law firms would traditionally offer, but often at a lower cost or with other advantages, including increased expertise, flexibility, and speed). This presentation looks at one of the three major areas of alternative dispute resolution: negotiation between the parties. Negotiation is unique because it does not necessarily include a formal role for a third party. We will discuss certain tactical aspects of negotiation and some legal ramifications of negotiating tactics as well. The one or the other of two things. In contracts a party has frequently the choice to perform one of several things, as, if he is bound to pay one hundred dollars, or to deliver a horse, he has the alternative. Vide election; obligation; alternative. An alternative is one of the choices in a set of given options; typically the options are opposites of each other. So to talk about alternative facts is to talk about the opposite of reality (which is delusion), or the opposite of truth (which is untruth). In addition, the u. Department of energy may designate other fuels as alternative fuels, provided that the fuel is substantially non-petroleum, yields substantial energy security benefits, and offers substantial environmental benefits. For more information, see the epact website
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